Destination Film Guide

Destination Film Guide was created as a resource for directors, producers, location scouts and agencies to find great film locations, understand important tax incentive programs and stay up to date on the latest industry trends.

Through both feature articles and branded content marketing, Destination Film Guide showcases ready-to-film locations across the U.S., Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean. Locations looking to attract film crews can rely on the trusted Destination Film Guide platform to reach decision-makers across the industry.

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Print Distribution

E-Newsletter Subscribers

Target Audience

  • Directors
  • Producers
  • Location Scouts & Managers
  • Creative Agencies

Print Edition Published

  • Every August

Newsletter Delivered

  • Every other Monday


The annual Destination Film Guide magazine is a resource for producers, directors and location scouts to discover new production sites in North America. Branded content marketing packages and placement ads help destinations stand out to the film industry.


A variety of digital marketing opportunities include display ads, video and content marketing. Our team can produce laser-focused, SEO-ready articles. Custom programs are designed to drive quality, vetted traffic across your digital channels.

Email Newlsetter

The InSite e-newsletter is sent twice per month to 4,000 engaged industry professionals. Boasting a 39% open rate, it ensures that your message is reaching a diverse audience. Choose from brand advertising, video or content feature packages.

Social Media

All partners receive promotion across Destination Film Guide’s social media channels, reaching a community that is actively seeking out new and inspiring film locations. Audiences are highly curated and posts are designed for maximum visibility.

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