Custom Publishing

We partner with associations, state tourism offices and destination marketing organizations to create a superior publication that reaches a targeted audience.

Your Partner In Custom Publishing

Our custom publishing solutions are a powerful and cost-effective way to get your message across to a targeted audience. Impress your audience with laser-sharp communication and create a platform for reaching your audience with the content they want, where they want it, and in a way that motivates them to take action that supports your desired outcomes.

Recent Projects and Partners

Inbound Insider Magazine

This annual print and digital guide helps fulfill IITA’s mission of growing inbound travel to the USA. It positions members of the International Inbound Travel Association as the leading source for unique travel experiences for USA-inbound travelers.

Switzerland Tour Guide

Switzerland Tourism was looking for a way to drive more visitation directly from leisure and faith groups. Working with the national tourism office and regional destination partners, our team crafted a series of stories that depict the essence of visiting Switzerland. We integrated tour operator messaging to provide a critical partner booking source.

I would like to thank you for the great partnership and the work you have done in putting this together, everything ran very smoothly and we appreciate that.

Paolo Lunardi
Manager Trade Relations North America – Switzerland Tourism

Switzerland Tour Guide

Switzerland Tourism was looking for a way to drive more visitation directly from faith and leisure groups. Working with the national tourism office and regional destination partners, our team crafted a series of stories that depict the essence of visiting Switzerland. We integrated tour operator messaging providing a critical partner booking source.

I would like to thank you for the great partnership and the work you have done in putting this together, everything ran very smoothly and we appreciate that.

Paolo Lunardi
Manager Trade Relations North America – Tourism Switzerland

Arkansas Tourism

We were already partnering with Arkansas Tourism on a group tour guide when we started discussing ways to help them break into the sports tournament market. The solution? A state-wide guide that featured over a dozen partners and rich editorial stories that promoted what sports play best in Arkansas.

Premier Travel Media has made it easy for Arkansas to highlight some of our more “out-of-the-ordinary” locations in an annual Travel Guide. It is often hard to choose what to highlight in a one-page ad, but in creating the Arkansas Group Travel Guide, we make use of the excellent editorial written for us by the Premier Travel Media staff to present Arkansas in a new and interesting way. It is a favorite piece that we also use for mail-out fulfillment and trade show promotion.

Jessica Ledbetter
Director of Global Sales – Division of Arkansas Tourism

Virginia Tourism

Virginia Tourism Corporation formerly published their own guide for the tour market and found the process laborious and expensive to maintain. By outsourcing content, production and advertising sales to PTM, they were able to eliminate the burden of custom publishing with our “hands off guarantee” and still highlight the many reasons to bring group tours to the state.

The PTM team has been great to work with over the years. I’m able to provide input on content and imagery for the guides, while relying on their expertise to pull it all together into a beautiful marketing piece.

Joni Johnson, CTP, TMP
Director, Domestic Sales & Marketing

Virginia Tourism

Virginia Tourism formerly published their own guide for the tour market and found the process laborious and expensive to maintain. By outsourcing content, production and advertising sales to PTM, they were able to eliminate the burden of custom publishing with our “hands off guarantee” and still highlight the many reasons to bring group tours to the Dominion State.

The PTM team has been great to work with over the years. I’m able to provide input on content and imagery for the guides, while relying on their expertise to pull it all together into a beautiful marketing piece.

Joni Johnson, CTP, TMP
Director, Domestic Sales & Marketing

Wyoming Itinerary Guide

The Wyoming Office of Tourism was looking for a unique way to reconnect with trade channels and promote the state’s wide-open spaces and unique destinations, outside of traditional National Parks that were already flooded with tourists. The solution was a unique itinerary guide that provided detailed information about group-friendly spots across the state via five timed and routed itineraries.

Circle Wisconsin Tour Planner

Circle Wisconsin is a dominant group tour association that represents diverse tourism interests across the state. Comprised of more than 100 members, the organization needed to replace an outdated directory with a contemporary magazine-style guide that showcased new reasons to travel to Wisconsin. We wrote themed-based stories and itineraries that drove interest in niche travel, while still featuring members in an abbreviated member directory.

Circle Wisconsin Tour Planner

Circle Wisconsin is a dominant group tour association that represents diverse tourism interests across the state. Comprised of more than 100 members, the organization needed to replace an outdated directory with a contemporary magazine-style guide that showcased new reasons to travel to Wisconsin. We wrote themed-based stories and itineraries that drove interest in niche travel, while still featuring members in an abbreviated member directory.

We Can Help You Succeed

Our dedicated, talented and experienced team is your answer for the creation of a superior specialty travel guide or publication, without the burden of producing brand-dedicated content in-house. We help conceptualize, write, design and publish your specialty guide or publication on your behalf. Our formats are engaging, reflect your brand values and drive home your mission.