Leisure Group Travel

Leisure Group Travel is your premier partner in reaching top prospects within the group travel market. With expertly crafted content marketing and brand promotion, we build a bridge to your ideal audience on this industry-leading platform.

Comprehensive marketing packages span print, digital and email channels, ensuring your brand connects with group travel planners effectively. Leverage our expertise to attract more group travel business and elevate your brand’s presence in the market.

Market Through Leisure Group Travel

Explore the Brand


Website Visitors

Print Subscribers

E-Newsletter Subscribers

Social Media Followers

Target Audience

  • North America-based Tour & Receptive Operators, Travel Agents, Bus Companies, Bank Travel Clubs, Alumni, Churches, Senior and Niche & Affinity travel groups

Print Edition Published

  • Bi-Monthly starting in February

Newsletter Delivered

  • Every Friday

Six Paths to Success


With 78% of readers relying on print as their primary planning resource, it’s no doubt they’re responsive to advertising messages. We effortlessly blend your brand into editorial coverage, special-interest features, and location-focused articles.


LeisureGroupTravel.com has been the industry’s most trusted online resource since 1999. With a sleek, mobile-friendly design, thousands of relevant articles and embedded advertising opportunities, promoting your brand online has never been easier.


Every Friday, 10,000+ group travel planners receive the InSite e-newsletter, which contains articles from the latest magazine edition and industry news & trends. Advertising opportunities are guaranteed to reach a wide audience of group travel planners.


We offer a variety of opportunities to get your brand front and center. This includes sponsorship of Leisure Group Travel’s digital edition, as well as website, landing page and e-newsletter editions with a dedicated placement for your brand.


Our educational whitepapers explore industry subject matter through in-depth research and reporting on relevant topics. Your brand sponsorship includes logo identification, special messaging and leads generated from downloads.

Custom Solutions

We help clients communicate their brand’s strength through professionally written and expertly designed custom publishing. From tour planners to itinerary guides to special sections, we have solutions that make an impact.

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