E-Mail Marketing With Premier Travel Media
Reach tens of thousands of niche & affinity travel planners with Premier Travel Media’s suite of e-newsletters.
Reach tens of thousands of niche & affinity travel planners with Premier Travel Media’s suite of e-newsletters.
Premier Travel Media gets your message in front of the right audiences with our targeted content that beautifully captures your destination or brand.
Showcase your destination or attraction’s history and heritage offerings in the April issue of Leisure Group Travel.
Premier Travel Media is proud to announce two new hires, Director of Business Development Jonathan Elkoubi and Managing Editor Lisa Shames.
This new whitepaper from Premier Travel Media explores the opportunities to build a new channel of business from ad hoc groups, while maintaining strong ties within traditional group channels.
Itinerary guides are an ideal way to help state tourism offices set the path that you want readers to walk down and allow you to shape opinions of your destination and attractions